ISBE Driver Education Standards
The Illinois Driver Education Standards were adapted from the Novice Teen Driver Education and Training Administrative Standards, which were developed and written by the Association of National Stakeholders in Traffic Safety Education in affiliation with the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration.

Driver Education
The IHSCDEA has partnered with University of St. Francis College of Education to provide Driver Education courses for educators interested in pursuing a Driver Education endorsement.

Hall of Fame
Since our inception in the early Fifties, the IHSCDEA has a group of distinguished individuals recognized for their commitment and dedication to Illinois driver education and traffic safety.

Teacher of the Year
We recognize individual instructors every year who are outstanding educators. The purpose of these award is to give recognition to driver and traffic safety education teachers who exemplify the highest standards of their profession
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State Farm Grant Series: Driver Education Students with Special Needs
This year, the State Farm Grant Series is offering six free online workshops discussing the topic of students with special needs. Registration is free and CPDU's will be available for active IHSCDEA Members
Log in to your Membership Portal and select Workshops>Online There are six 2022 State Farm Workshops

Driver Education for Students with Disabilities
The University of St. Francis College of Education is offering a three hour graduate level course. The new course is entitled "Driver Education for Students with Disabilities" This course can provide Continuing Education Credits for a lane change, or credit towards Driver Education Endorsement. View the course here: Learn More HERE
National Safety Council

DIH Phone App
We were able to release a free phone app, in partnership with GM, for parents to use with their new teen drivers. It contains our parent-teen contract, 48 lessons for parents to use at home, logs practice hours and has our video resources. Right now, it is currently available in English and Spanish for both Apple and Android. Here’s a link for more information: nsc.org/dihapp.
National Teen Driver Safety Week (Oct. 15-21)
This year the Council’s DriveitHOME program, in partnership with Honda, was able to create a new free toolkit for NTDSW. The resources are available in English and in Spanish. It contains guides on how to observe, posters, talking points, social media sample posts, updated statistics and more. This year we tried focusing on speeding, distracted driving and GDL. Here’s a link to get the resources (feel free to share): nsc.org/ntdsw. There is also an instructor guide that contains a sample parent letter home, newsletter copy and some sample activities to also go along with the observance.

Illinois Schools Incorporate Driving Simulators into Classroom Curriculum

Distress Bandanna
Congratulations to Distress Bandanna on the passage of resolution #50 of the State of Illinois House of Representatives 104th General Assemebly.
This law insures that 133,000 driver education students will learn about stranded motorist protocols and laws like Scott's Law.

Job Openings

Hey, I hope this message finds you well!
My name is Arianna Smith and I am the Illinois Program Specialist for Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). We are excited to offer your school communities an incredible opportunity: a free virtual "Power of Parents" workshop designed to empower parents and caregivers to have important conversations about underage alcohol use, recognize signs of substance abuse, and provide resources to help their children make safer, smarter choices.
We would greatly appreciate your assistance in sharing this information with your district network. Attached is a flyer with all the workshop details, including the date, time, and meeting link. We kindly ask that you consider distributing it through your email lists, newsletters, social media and/or any other communication channels you use.
By promoting this workshop, you’ll be helping families strengthen relationships and support their children in making responsible decisions. It's a simple step that can have a lasting positive impact.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss additional virtual or in-person programs for youth and parents, please feel free to reach out to me. Thank you for your support in ending impaired driving.
Best Regards,
Arianna Smith
Like us on Facebook to stay up to date on community events: https://www.facebook.com/MADDILIAWI/
IDOT Motorcycle Safety Awareness Presentation for Your Classroom
grants & curriculum
Pedestrian/Bicycle Safety Grant
Electric Vehicles for Education
The ComEd Electric Vehicles (EVs) For Education Program is available to public schools in the ComEd service territory that operate an internal Driver Education Program and meet other specific eligibility requirements as described in this document. IHSCDEA Has developed a companion curriculum to help teachers educate their students about E-V's. Click HERE to view the curriculum.
Distress Bandanna and ILSOS
Distress Bandanna is proud to announce that our Senate Bill 2028, a life-saving law that protects stranded drivers on our roads, is now in effect. On page 90 of the 2024 Illinois Rules of the Road, you’ll find Stranded Motorists’ Safety Protocol. Until the paper 2024 book is published, you can access the new protocol on-line. This law, championed by Distress Bandanna and supported by Representative Stuart, Senator McClure, and Senator Murphy, aims to protect stranded drivers. It emphasizes best practices for staying safe while awaiting assistance. Stranded motorists face significant risks from various hazards, including distracted drivers, drowsy drivers, impaired drivers, and speeding vehicles. According to IDOT from 2019 to 2021, there were 456 crashes and 35 deaths involving stranded motorists in Illinois. However, this number likely underestimates the true impact because some incidents categorize stranded motorists as pedestrians when they are working on, pushing, leaving, or approaching their vehicles. Distress Bandanna is advocating for a new category for disabled-vehicle crashes at the national level. This initiative aims to further protect stranded motorists across the country.
State Farm Contact Reporting
Enhancing Motorcycle Awareness in Education, Licensing, and Outreach Stakeholder Webinar
Please join us to learn more about this project, sponsored by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), to enhance motorcycle awareness in education, licensing, and outreach.
Two dates to choose from:
September 23, 2022
11 am - 12 pm EDT /10 - 11 am CDT/9 - 10 am MDT/8 - 9 am PDT/5 am - 6 am HST
September 26, 2022
3:30 - 4:30 pm EDT/2:30 - 3:30 pm CDT/1:30 - 2:30 pm MDT/12:30 - 1:30 pm PDT/9:30 am - 10:30 am HST
Think First Injury Prevention Program
Illinois Corn Ethanol Education
Bike Safety Quiz
Illinois School Safety Project
Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists (AAIM)
The Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists (AAIM) is hosting our 5th Annual "Are You InTEXTicated?" PSA Contest! April is Distracted Driving Awareness month, and AAIM hosts this contest to promote safe driving habits.
This year the contest is open to all Illinois High School students and a traffic safety award will be given to the student(s), youth group, or school that creates the greatest social impact. Each student or group will create a 30-second video to show the dangers of distracted driving that will be voted on by their peers.
The awards this year are $750 for 1st place, $250 for 2nd place, and $100 for 3rd place.
Please share this information with your students, colleagues, or any other partners that have teens that may be interested. For the complete contest information, guidelines, and to see past year winners, please visit our website: 'InTEXTicated?' (aaim1.org)

Member Benefits
- Member Portal
- Idea Journals
- Legislative and Professional News
- State and Regional Conferences
- Online Documents and Webinars

Meet the Board
Positions to the Board of Directors are elected by IHSCDEA members. Terms of office are different for each position but elections are held annually.